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Happy Children


Before and after school can be a busy time for a lot of parents. Our centre is conveniently open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to accommodate parents who need help dropping and picking their children up from school because of their own work or school schedules. 

Our centre currently provides van transportation to Kindergarten and Out of School Care children attending Johnny Bright Elementary School and St. Thomas Aquinas. We are also a designated yellow bus stop for Monsignor Fee Otterson and Duggan Elementary Schools. 

Before and after school, children are free to play as they wish. There are a lot of fun and developmentally appropriate materials and activities located throughout our Out of School Care room.


Heritage Valley ELCC & OSC has an onsite kitchen facility and we provide children in our OSC program with 2 snacks each day. Our menu rotates on a seasonal basis to ensure children are exposed to a variety of foods and cuisines.

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